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Some key definitions to help make your usage of The Cookie Jar easier.
Unlike some of the other tools on the market, we know that some businesses have many domains, each managed by different users. Organisations in The Cookie Jar are the highest level of the hierarchy. They are a place where you can add domains, add users, and manage your licenses for The Cookie Jar.
Each organisation has one admin responsible for managing users and licenses. You will automatically be appointed admin when you sign up to The Cookie Jar.
Each organisation has a set of licenses under its plan. These are how you will access and use the tool. If you do not have any licenses, the tool will return an unauthorised error response when you request it.
Each license is equal to one domain configuration.
Licenses can be added/managed by the Organisation admin through the organisation tab.
A domain represents either one domain or includes all its subdomains, depending on how it has been configured. It is essential that the domain name entered here matches your hostname exactly. If there is a misalignment, the tool will not register your domain when you install it on your site.
Templates are handled at an organisation level, meaning they can be shared across domains within an organisation. They are split into two categories: Banner and Modal. Each template is just an HTML snippet that will be added to your domain once our SDK is loaded onto your website.
This HTML can be customised as you see fit; however, please review our guidelines to ensure that it works as expected on your website.
Any user can add and assign a template through the templates tab.